Doves the Symbol of Peace

In the spirit of Christmas and unconditional love this is a spiritual Christmas message I’d like to share with you…..

As mentioned in an earlier blog post, the “Vibration” or “Frequency” of Unconditional Love calibrates at 540 on The Map of Consciousness…simply a scientific measurement of this vibration…click here for more on this.The point of this is that I personally have been “tuned in” to this frequency this week and am realizing I can actually feel it! The Spirit of Christmas, Peace on Earth, Good Will Towards Men is a seriously high frequency coming in at 675 on Dr. David R. hawkins’  Map of Consciousness.

I was at the grocery store today and this frequency of Unconditional Love is palpable. It is in the air. I see it in people’s faces and hear it in their voices. Everyone is lighter in spirit, warm, welcoming and genuinely quite loving by nature. The more I notice it the more I become “tuned in” to it. I feel so loving and light today;  I know by experience and ….let’s call it revelation (for lack of a better word) this is how life is meant to be on an on-going basis.

So how do we go about this?

Well, without getting into the meaning of consciousness and all that high falootin’ scientific stuff, let’s simply look at it like a radio station. Uncondional love is quite a different frequency than the frequency most people are tuned in to on a daily basis. S o decide you want to tune your vibration to that of Unconditional Love. And since we can associate a number to it, in this case 540, you decide your going to tune your radio in to WKOSMO 540 on your cosmic radio dial. To tune into this station this week, go out into the public by yourself and simply observe what’s going on. This vibration is already in the air, so practice tuning into it.

To practice this, simply start appreciating how kind and loving people are right now and decide this is how you are going to be at every conscious moment (notice I said conscious moment!). Be kind, loving, compassionate and appreciative of everyone you encounter this week. See how incredible you can begin to feel! Because I consciously do this on a daily basis, I am living closer to this level of vibration every day. Some times I turn on WKOSMO 425, which is quite linear and intellectual, or some other radio frequency, but do manage to get back to channel 540 on my cosmic radio dial.

I can’t recommend to you enough the magnificence and beauty that the frequency of “radio station WKOSMO 540” is.  I say it again,  I am Graced beyond words to have experienced it (this level of experience/life)  purely and fully. It exists. It is accessible to everyone who wants to live in that experience and level of awareness. This is what Jesus Christ was suggesting as well….aspiring to this level of existence. Jesus was tuned into radio station WKOSMO  1000…and that’s a hole other ball game! But he knew the level of unconditional love, at 540 is attainable.

So during this Holiday, pay attention to what I am suggesting and decide for yourself whether it is worth your focus or not. If so, we have plenty of resources on our website for further pursuit and inquiry. In my experience, it is true…”when the student is ready, the teacher appears”… the “teacher” by the way is whatever you are drawn to…a book,

Liz Gracia

Liz Gracia Co-Founder Seeds of Intentions

an article in a magazine, the words in a song…everything in life is available to give you the guidance you have asked for. DO NOT dismiss it! I’ve traveled far paying attention to all “signs” and seeming coincidences…truly there are none!

Have a Joyous, Beautiful, and Unconditionally Loving Holiday Season…and in the words of Abraham thru Esther…..”There is great LOVE here!”

These spiritual Christmas messages in the true Spirit of Christmas and Unconditional Love are brought to you by Liz Gracia, Co-Founder

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