Appreciation seen in nature: Lions snuggling

Appreciation exists in nature as well

Appreciation calibrates at 500+ on the Map of Consciousness (see below). It is the entryway unto “non-linear” consciousness and resides in the same ball park as love, joy, and unconditional love.

It is a rare human being that lives at this state of awareness or above. An individual “vibrating” at this level of awareness has the Power to offset the negativity of 750,000 people below the life affirming consciousness level of 200.

It is an extremely powerful vibration and place to BE. The energy at this level is transformative and life changing.

You can introduce the “vibration” or energy of pure and true APPRECIATION into your life every day by connecting to your heart and focusing on the energy of APPRECIATION. Here’s some examples of how to do this and where appreciation may reside easily for you:

  • Appreciation is easily found in nature by simply appreciating nature itself, be it in a sunrise or sunset, a magnificent body of water, or field of flowers. Immerse yourself in the appreciation of such beauty and love, joy, and unconditional love easily follows.
  • Appreciation can easily be found in observing a loved one exhibiting qualities you so admire and love in them. Take the time to enjoy the beauty in another and appreciate their true inner beauty. It fills my heart with joy and love every time I take the time to do this and remember who is behind the eyes of every living thing. Seeing the beauty in all living things is immensley transcendent and opens you up to the flow of grace in not only that moment, but life itself. These are simply examples of where
  • Appreciation can easily reside for many. You know where it resides easily for you. Take that feeling and apply it to something new in your life, and start at a place that is relatively easy and new to do. I don’t necessarily suggest making a leap into an area that would be hard for you to allow Appreciation. That will come in time and with practice of allowing this energy into more aspects of your life.

We’d like to introduce you to Dr. David R. Hawkins’ Map of Consciousness as first introduced in his now famous book Power Vs. Force. The Map of Consciousness is a scale of 1-1000 where anything, anyone, any idea that is, or has ever been, can be calibrated as to its level of truth or “consciousness”.

The scale of this map is not arithmetic, but logarithmic, so a calibration of 300 on the Map of Consciousness is not only two times that of a calibration of 150 on the Map, but 10 to the 300th POWER! A calibration of 500 is 10 to the 500th POWER! HOLY MOLY! The difference in power as you ascend up the Map of Consciousness is ASTRONOMICAL in nature!

At Seeds of Intentions, our intent is to focus solely on things that are of high consciousness and power and truth. In other words, those things, people and ideas that calibrate at 200 or above on the Map of Consciousness. This is the level at which true power and positive life affirming “vibrations” or energy begin.

For relative reference and points of interest:

  • 600 on The Map of Consciousness is the entryway into enlightenment.

    Power vs Force

    Power vs Force by Dr. David R. Hawkins

  • 1000 is the level at which life’s avatars (those who comprehend advanced states of enlightenment) like Jesus and The Buddha reside. 1000 is the highest level one can be and still remain in the body. When someone at this level of consciousness resides on the planet, she/he has the power to offset the negativity of the entire planet!
  • Only 4/10th’s of 1 percent of the world’s population calibrates at 500 or above. Someone calibrating at this level has the ability to offset the negativity of 750,000 people calibrating below the level of life affirming power of 200.
  • One individual calibrating at 300 offsets the negativity of 90,000 people below the level of 200. 50% of the United States calibrates at 200 or below.
  • 78% of the world’s population calibrates at 200 or below.
  • There are now over 22 people residing on the planet today that calibrate at 600 or above. HOLY MOLY! This is significant if you consider the fact that there was a period of time, now termed The Dark Ages when noone on the planet calibrated above the level of 600 for Hundreds of Years! There is SERIOUS change going on now and we all are a part of it!

Power vs Force

"Live Your Life Like a Prayer" - Dr. David R. Hawkins

All of this information can be found in the teachings and research found in Dr. David R. Hawkins books available and recommended throughout our Seeds of Intentions website.


Intention Cluster Neckalce "Gratitude"

At Seeds of Intentions we have aligned ourselves with other creators who offer things to remind us of the power of appreciation and gratitude. Inspired jewelry designer, Amy Fortunato is one such creator. Please see all of her designs created specifically for Seeds of Intentions. Click Here!

These things and more convey words of appreciation and make great teacher appreciation gifts, volunteer appreciation gifts, friendship appreciation gifts or bridal party appreciation gifts. Whomever you care to honor, we are devoted to providing meaningful gifts and meaningful gift ideas.

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